San Clemente Piano Lessons for Adults

Adult piano lessons are a philosophical journey.

In musical exploration lies delight, a magical take-off from our life's whirlwind of should-do's and responsibilities. You can actually achieve a state reminiscent of meditation during practice. Adults enjoy piano playing in the purest way, and talk excitedly about finding more ways to find time for it during their days.

Adults make lots of progress, typically much more than younger students with the same amount of effort and time, since they have a greater patience and work skills to work tricky spots out with maturity. Yet many adults question their results, and imagine that learning would go easier if only they were five years old. Meanwhile, I have heard five year olds proclaim, "I INVENTED PIANO!" while having difficulty playing something half as complicated as the adult that just wished himself to be five again. Adults love the idea of playing the piano, and seek instruction, but these pre-conceived ideas can affect joyful learning. Adults are hard on themselves.

And here begins a beautiful philosophical journey. What are we seeking? A respite from day-to-day hustle and bustle? A new mode of self-expression, an artistic outlet? A way to connect with our families in the classic sense of an age-old oral tradition, a  hearth-like experience? And what do we learn about ourselves through the process? Wonder, patience, moments of beauty... it varies from person to person.

What is your quest? How does music bring art and time together for you?